Monday, June 20, 2016


Yes, I'm thinking about dusting off the sewing machine (again) and actually working up some aprons and things for the house.  Nothing to wear because I'm not my grandmother who was a tailor and made awesome things for church and family (bras, underwear, wedding dresses, men's tailoring, - you get the picture - she was outstanding).

So I was thinking of a lot of DIY upcycle type of stuff when it hit me that I could make some skirts into aprons.  It would be handy because I have pretty skirts that my chunky behind can't wear anymore and it would at least look like I was .... uhm........creative.

Another thought was to make Butt Bags but I'd have to make my own pattern up.  I'm not very good at that so I'm on the hunt for anything that I can modify to my own pattern.

A Butt Bag you ask?  It's a pair of jeans made into a purse.  I have one and get more compliments on it than anything in my wardrobe.  Go figure.


  1. Pinterest is bonkers with denim purse stuff. I've probably even got a folder just for denim. hm It doesn't appear that I have one, I should fix that immediately. :D

  2. You should. It would help yon sister out greatly.
