Thursday, June 30, 2016

God Gave You What??

So, I'm the only woman on a team of crusty old guys who, as it turns out, are mostly veterans.  I'm sure they didn't start out crusty but if they had a goal of being extremely baked bread, well, they have arrived. A lofty goal indeed.

Yesterday, I was going about my business taking a deep dive into the evil bowels of a SONET OC48 when upon my screen comes this IM:

"Make it stop" - says Benny (the names are changed to protect the insane)

"Make what stop?"  - says I.

"The evil that is upon me.  It's name is Don."

"Heavens be.  What has he said now?"

"He won't stop talking about himself.  If I hear one more story of his love for all things Don, I'm going to take matters into my own hands."


"that's one possibility."


"Even if the frosting is in rainbow pansy pink, I'm still gonna shove it where the Don doesn't shine."

"You really must exercise some constraint, Benny.  I mean, there's no I in Team, yah know."

"You come sit over here then tell me that again.  I dare you."

"This has been a very productive discussion."

"There will be a great feast tonight celebrating my victory.  No storytelling allowed.  Just get shit-faced then leave my presence."

"Roger that."

I love my team :)   They have the sense God gave a split-pea and I guess I just fit right in.  That makes me happy.

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