Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mmm Drugs

Yesterday, I took my 10 yr old son to the dentist.  He's okay with going, it never really bothered him.  There is only about a week left of school.  Less than that really because this full week and then next week is 3 full days, Thursday off and until 9:30am Friday.  So there shouldn't have been a reason he'd not want to go to school after his appointment at 10am.  Here's how it went down.

Mom :  So after the appointment I'll run you back to school.
10yrOld :  What time?
Mom : hm about 11am or so
10yrOld :  Why can't I just stay home?
Mom :  Dad said you need to finish school, every day.  Unless they do something in the dentist office where they have to give you drugs but it's just a cleaning.
10yrOld : But I don't get it, why can't I stay home?
Mom :  What did dad say?
10yrOld : He said I can't stay home unless they give me drugs.
Mom : You didn't get drugs, you got a cleaning.
10yrOld : Can we get drugs?

I laughed hysterically until I cried.  When I finished I messaged his dad and got on the road to the school.  Package dropped, I headed home...alone.  Much to his dismay.  Not a drug was to be had.

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