"What in tarnation?", for those that haven't figured it out, means the same as saying, "What in the name of God?", "What the hell?", "WTH?" or "What in the Wide World of Sports?". It is a response (usually) to people saying, "Hold my beer" and doing something with such enormous stupidity that you are flabbergasted into saying the first thing that comes to mind.
In the south it's usually along the lines of :
"Wat in tarnation has that boy done got into? Has he lawst his damn mind? What if his mama sees him? Good God what if the preacher sees him? Lord, help my time. We gotta get that boy down from there before he kills his fool self."This very scenario happens a lot. I'm sure you can google that these days and find ample amounts of idiocy directly under, "Here, hold my beer".
In the past it's been used in the south by every grandparent ever. Applejack on My Little Pony Friendship is Magic series says it. Yosemite Sam said it. Actual origins of the word are unclear.
I figured the new meme's were funny enough and getting weird enough that it was time to share the translation and some of the funniest memes I've found.

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