Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tulsa's Club Scene

Tulsa is a hotbed for all types of clubs - yes, even the kind you mix and mingle over drinks but that's not really what I'm talking about today. Some of these clubs have been around since the 40's and the range of interests marry up well with whatever boredom you happen to be in at the moment.
Let's peruse, shall we?

Into RC planes and drones?  Check out The Tulsa Glue Dobbers at Grant Wilson Field on just about any clear day!  Bring your plane and learn from this club which is believed to be the oldest in the nation (est. 1947)

Anyone ever tell you to go fly a kite?  Well, now's your chance to show your stuff!  The Tulsa Wind Riders (est. late 80's) is full of color and good fun and meets at 43rd and Garnett.  Not sure if your interested?  Well, then come by on 10 September for their annual Sky Dance Festival held in Broken Arrow at 21101E 101st St in Broken Arrow.

Into dressing up in 1800's costumes and shooting guns made before 1899? Ok, then call up the Tulsa Red Castle Gun Club to find out when their next event is.  It's a rootin' tootin' time for all!  (yeah, I said it.  Had to.)

Here's a few more:

Tulsa Press Club (est more than 100 yrs ago) - check out their 1st Draft Beer Tasting event Friday, 14 October 2016 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm - call 918-583-7737 for ticket information.

Intertribal Club of Tulsa is a great org for Pow-Wow and other tribal activities. Please visit their site for more information.

Tulsa Rugby Club has some really great matches!  Check them out

Ride! Ride! Ride! with the Tulsa Bicycle Club with events scheduled weekly!

Many more clubs are active!  Rowing, Fencing, travel, figure skating, toastmasters, horseback riding, many different flower clubs, bonsai, soccer, astronomy, go-karts, motorcycles, skiing, football, heritage clubs (scottish, irish, native american, islanders), military, religious, political, community sponsors (lions, shriners, etc), just about any type of animal club, audiophiles, vaping, amateur radio and much more!

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